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General Questions

Expand What's Claz ?

We're a Free Classified Ads

We want to make it easy for you to buy and sell, find rentals, roommates, job opportunities, advertise local services and events.

Come in and make yourself at home Smile Browse Listings Browse Listings or Post Post an Ad

Expand Is this a free service?

Yes! We're a free service.
We do not charge a fee for posting listings here.
We don't take a percentage of users' sales.

We do offer optional paid services to business owners and individuals.

Expand How can I contact you?

Please use our Contact Us Contact Us form if you have questions or concerns regarding an ad, your account, or if you encounter problems using Claz. We'll be happy to help you !

Posting Ads

Expand Can I post my stuff here ?

Absolutely! You're welcome to post anything (almost Smile) here.

We offer 7 main categories: Vehicles Vehicles Stuff For Sale Stuff For Sale Housing for Sale Housing for Rent Real Estate Real Estate Local Services Local Services Jobs Jobs Community Community

The Post Post Ad button at the top is a good place to start.

Not sure which category fits best ? Leave it to our friendly Autodetect Category Autodetect Category Bot

Expand Can I post a business listing ?

Yes! It's free!

You're welcome to Post Post a Service as a local service provider.
You can also Post Post a Specific Item from your inventory.

You can always add Premium Premium Features later to help your listings get the extra attention.

Expand Is it free to post a job listing ?

Yes. Job listings are free.

You can add Premium Premium Features to your job listings to help them get the extra coverage.

Expand How can I help make my listings stand out ?

There are a few things you can do to help your listings get the attention they deserve.

Be Specific Be specific. Provide more details if possible, such as pictures, price, and contact information. Detailed listings show at the top and get more views.
Check Back Often Check back often. This way you let us and other users know your listings are up-to-date. We'll keep your ads active and will automatically repost them to the top every time you visit.
Premium Try our premium service. Whether You run a Small Business or Big Business - we can make your listings stand out and reach more people.

Expand Can I post my listings in multiple locations ?

We kindly ask you to post listings in the area where the item, service, job position or the property is physically located, so that others could find your ad based on their location preferences.

Many of our visitors are searching within a wide radius or even nationwide.
They will see your listing if it's within their preferred area and if they're willing to travel.

Expand Can I repost my listings ?

We repost your listings automatically every time you visit.
We may check back with you from time to time to make sure your listings are up-to-date and we'll let you know when they expire.


We currently limit this feature to Premium Premium Business Listings to prevent spam.

Expand Is there something I cannot post here ?

We don't accept spam, fake listings, vulgar content and multi-level marketing.

Check our Link Prohibited Content Policy and Link Terms & Conditions for the full list of restrictions.

Expand My listing was rejected. What should I do ?

It happens to the best of us Smile

No worries! The good news is that rejections are temporary and are easy to fix

Every time our system suspects a violation of Prohibited Content Policy, the listing is pulled aside for an inspection. You will receive a "Your Listing Was Rejected" email from us with some details about the violation and a link to Submit an Appeal.

It usually takes a few minutes for the listing to be reinstated after an appeal is submitted and reviewed.

Buying and Selling

Expand Claz is a venue

Claz is a venue. Our mission is to provide a free marketplace for private sellers and buyers. We do our best to block fraudulent and illegal listings, however we don't pre-screen users and we're not directly involved in the transactions between buyers and sellers.

We encourage you to only deal with people that are local and that you can meet in person or to use an escrow service for your transactions.

Expand Contacting other users

You can use the Contact Contact button to send messages to listing's owners. We will relay your inquiry to the person who posted the listing and will follow up with them to make sure they respond to your inquiry.

Expand Using Claz Messaging System

When discussing a deal, we recommend using built-in Claz Messaging System instead of contacting users directly via text or email they may specify in the listing's description because:
- It's private: we do not reveal your email address to the other user
- It's secure: our system automatically checks messages for spam and any indication of a potential fraudulent or suspicious behavior
- It's convenient: we keep you updated via the email, you can also track when the recipient has read your messages
- In case of unexpected situations, we can only provide assistance if the conversation occurred within the Claz Messaging System

Messages sent to the spam folder:
If a message ends up in your spam folder, it indicates that our system has a very high level of confidence that the other user is engaging in behavior that is considered fraudulent, illegal, abusive or suspicious. For your safety, we do not display these messages in your main inbox or send you notifications about them. However, we provide a spam folder where you can review these messages if needed.

Expand Making an Offer

1. How do I make an offer on a listing?
Use the Contact User Contact option on the Listing Details page to start the conversation with the other user and look for the Make an Offer Make Offer button on the Conversation Details page.
Making an offer indicates your commitment to buying, renting, or selling to/from another user. You can enter the amount you would like to offer through the chat and our system will follow up with the other user.

2. What happens after I make an offer?
When you make an offer, the other user will receive a special message prompting them to respond to your offer. They can choose to accept or decline your offer, and you'll be notified about the result. You can also cancel your offer at any time.

3. How many offers can I make for a listing?
You can make only one offer for a listing at a time. If you create a new offer for the same listing, the previous offer becomes invalid.

4. What is Claz role in the offer?
Claz is a Venue, and we do not participate in the offer's transaction. We do not enforce or guarantee the authenticity of a transaction. This is strictly between the users who come to an agreement.
Additionally, we may reach out to both users to confirm whether the transaction took place and ask them to rate the transaction.

5. How does Claz ensure user verification and listing authenticity?
We do our best to verify users and listings and collect information about users during the process of posting listings and making offers, as specified in our privacy policy. We strongly advise you to exercise caution and take appropriate measures to protect yourself from potential scams. Always verify the credibility of listings and the trustworthiness of other users. If a transaction or communication seems suspicious, we recommend proceeding with care and reporting any concerns to us for further investigation.

Expand Preventing Fraud

Our team works diligently to verify the authenticity of all listings posted on Claz and to keep you safe. Many of our listings are syndicated from 3rd party partners, and their authenticity cannot always be independently verified by us. Dealing with private parties over the internet always carries inherent risks. We urge you to stay vigilant as the risk of fraud is always present.

Here are several important tips to help you stay safe on Claz:

- Use Our Messaging System: It is designed to alert you of suspicious behavior and to keep your email and phone number private.
- Meet in Public: We encourage you only deal with people that are local and that you can meet in person. Choose a safe location to complete a transaction. Busy public places like coffee shops are safe, convenient meeting spots.
- Use Secure Payment Methods: The best way to complete a transaction is to exchange the item and pay at the same time. When doing online transactions, we encourage you to use licensed escrow services recommended by banks. Never wire funds or use a debit card/check to pay someone in advance. Avoid certified/cashier checks and money orders !
- Verify Details: Make sure information on the condition of the item, price and payment method is clearly outlined and agreed upon prior to the meeting. Before paying for something and completing the transaction, inspect the item and check that everything matches the seller's description. Confirm authenticity of listings and identity of the other party.
- Stay Informed: Visit for more detailed advice on how to deal with online fraud and scams.
- Let Us Know: We encourage you to Contact Us immediately if you suspect a fraudulent listing or encounter suspicious behavior. Our team is always here to help.

Premium Listings

Expand What is a Premium listing and how do I get one ?

The Premium listing is a special monthly subscription service that features this listing and adds a one-time permanent Premium Premium User badge to your profile.

How to subscribe:
Upgrade your listing to a Premium for $29.99/month after posting it on Post Ad page.

It's a small investment for a big return.

Expand Why consider a Premium over a Regular listing ?

Upgrading listing to a Premium gives it special attention with our Premium features, helping you find more interested users faster.

Once purchased, your account receives permanent Premium User Premium User badge, making it's easier for others to notice and trust you.

Expand Premium features

- Reposted Automatically: keeps your listing fresh and visible in the search results

- Top Placement: appears at the top of search results

- Highlighted: draws more attention in search results

- Links in the description: clickable links for better interaction

- Extended Reach: up to 10 x More Visitors

- Increased Views: up to 10 x More Views

- Premium User Premium User badge: enhances your account's credibility and trust with others

My Account

Expand How do I edit or delete my listing ?

You can create, edit, repost and delete your listings on the My Listings My Listings page.

Also, we encourage you to Flag flag expired or obsolete listings while you Browse Classifieds Browse Classifieds

Expand I did not receive the 5-digit email confirmation code

Sometimes your email provider may choose to block or delay an email from us.
Most of the time this is outside of our control and an action on your end may be needed to fix it:

- Check your SPAM folder for blocked messages from
- Send an empty email to and request another confirmation code
- Sign In with Google or Sign In with Facebook as an alternative way to confirm your email

Expand I need to change my password

Please use the Forgot Password Forgot Password page to recover your password.

Contact Us Contact Us if you need any assistance and we'll be happy to help !

Expand How do I close my account ?

To close your account, please send us a free-form message us via the Contact UsContact Us page.
Please make sure you're logged in and provide any necessary details related to your account closure request.

What Happens to Your Data:

Data Removal: Once the account closure process is initiated, Claz will promptly delete your user profile and any associated listing data.

Limited Data Retention: For the purpose of fraud prevention and to ensure a safe and trusted platform for our users, we may retain certain specific data even after account deletion.

Restrictions on Future Account Creation: After closing your account, the associated email address will not be eligible for future account creation on Claz. This measure is in place to uphold the security and integrity of our platform.

Please note, that closing your Claz account is a permanent action. If you have questions or if you are not sure about the process, we recommend reaching out through the Contact UsContact Us page for assistance.

Expand What is a Verified Account and how do I get one?

The Verified Account feature is designed to give users peace of mind when interacting with others by verifying the authenticity of user accounts. When a user has a Verified Account Verified Account checkmark next to their username, it means they have met our eligibility criteria and have been approved by our team.

Who is eligible:
To be eligible for the Account Verification, users must:
 - have an account in good standing, with a non-offensive display name and an avatar image
 - have at least one reviewed and approved classified ad listing
 - complete our account verification process
 - be able to provide documentation verifying their identity and eligibility upon request
 - maintain an active paid subscription of $9.99/month on our website

How to apply:
To apply for the Verified Account Verified Account, users must complete the Verification process on the My Account Page.

Once a user submits their request, our team will review it to ensure that all criteria are met. This process typically takes 1 business day. During this time, users may be contacted for additional information or clarification.

Loss of eligibility:
In accordance with the Claz Terms of Service, Claz may remove the checkmark of an account at any time without notice. Claz may also remove the checkmark from accounts that are found to be in violation of our Terms of Service.

Any violation of the Claz Terms of Service, manipulation of our processes, or circumvention of enforcement actions may result in the loss of the checkmark or in certain instances, suspension.